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Fetish female
Webcam model KinkyKosmina profile picture

Eye Color:
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Turn Ons:
Seeing jerking off, fondling, Hot men telling me what they want, seeing them while they cum is the best I like, it drives me crazy! Hear yourself moaning, seeing a hard cock, watching porn.
Turn Offs:
I don't like people who try to cheat me and get free things with a fair promise.
Favorite Position:
Lied back, doggye, me up, the cowgirl, waterfall, the hot seat, spin cicle, stairway to heaven, reverse cowgirl, pole position, face off, the laxy man, the ballet dancer, etc
I like submission, domination, dom, footh, heels,
Personnal Message:
My name is Cosmina, 29 years old (I feel as 18), from Europa, I have 3 years old experience in streaming, never maryed, no boyfriend, I live alone. I am very sensitive person but I can be very cold, yes both in same time!!! because this I have choosed this name (Dom, Sub, Lady) , even it appears to be a contradiction, a nonsense, for me all is possible. Sometimes I feel submissive, sometimes I like to take the control over my partener, sometimes I like to be equals. I like to read very much, I m very creative, I like improving myself daily, here and in my personal life… and my purpose is to be in top here, so I trust on u guys that we will have great moments together, nice experiences with intense pleasure of both sides, or if I m sub as u decide for me. My new passion is to read about sex, watch porns discover much more my sexuality, explore it… I invite u, in my room, to talk and to explore each other and even u aren t in the mood, and u are looking for somebody for advices, u feel hurted or lost, I m here also, because I have and lots of love to offer. I love my job, and I do it with pleasure, hope u can feel this, I love my freedom, I love my lifestyle….and I want be as much as possible here for u…12-14 hours per day.. kisessssss.. I love discover people, personalities, cocks, fantesies, fetishes… I love diversity and unicity..and to make people to vibrate… to feel vibrations in their cocks, bodyes, balls, hair..all over…stimulate all… eyes, cocks, mind, soul…
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
webcam model KinkyKosmina from XloveCam
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